A mining company localized in British Colombia was experiencing repetitive pluggages of their leaf filters used to recover the Cadmium and Copper deposit formed during a cementation step. Because of these repetitive pluggage, the filters were not able to reach the required filtered pulp volume allowing the operation of the process in continu. This situation was inducing an accumulation of the to be filtered pulp’s in the holding tanks leading to some interruption of the production. To address this problem, STS Canada was mandated to conduct an audit on the filtering step to identify the origin of these repetitive pluggages and propose an action plan to solve it.
Investigate the multiple cause of operational problems or performance of filtration equipment. Being able to target the most profitable causes in terms of intervention (application of the Pareto rule to sort the multiple causes).
Presentation of the full audit report to the customer, including conclusions, recommendations and action plan to correct the failure of the equipment. Analytical investigations of filter components and pulp characterization are generally recommanded after the audit to complement the solution elements of the investigated problems.
Industrial filtration unit (Leaf filter, horizontal tank filter)
Drying system
Cake discharge system
Cementation process
Audit and troubleshooting